Fast tips earn more with monetization website publisher network

So, this time step... 

Firstly don't just put your code banner ad without add Anti Adblocker Script. This important because have analysis show United Kingdom using Adblocking extension grow hits in 44%..

So this give loss to you because your ads are not displayed on your website or blog with detected.

If you want can try this one ==> BlockAdblock script click here.

Now if all done... step position for put your ad banner code.. In great analysis for nice position for put in popup and slider role..


In popup when visitor visit in website or blog and automatic redirect to popup ads show in new tab window.In another great method using slider..


In slider can set tick right Animate (Slider is following scroll) and position in top,bottom or center,if set this your ad banner will be follow scroll when visitor reading posting in website or blog. But not all ad partner publishers network offer this placement or tag type.

Don't put another affiliate banner

Ok, if you put another banner like affiliate program so your visitor many choice what banner they will click. So your ad publisher banner got low ctr for visitor more click..

Content same with ads banner

This mean your content posting same show what banner ads showing in.If your website or blog about finance then your banner ads too show image and content about finance.So this will give more ctr click for your ads and boost ad revenue income right? When setup ads describe your placement in description for details. That trick will help your publisher network to serve more relevant banners to your website or blog.

Is it impossible make money online with monetize a website or blog?

It's not impossible to make money online with a monetize a website or blog under your publisher network program because it needs a real way with the right target content, targeted advertising targets and coincide with content. the way in which real advertising is SEO (Search engine optimization) means to get free traffic website or paid advertising so all will be easier.

Maybe for starters you just get a little ctr and less income because of the target country or marketing targets. Better focus on one traffic because it gives less bounce and income earning click ctr. To make paid advertising focus on target keywords, country and unique content website or blog.

Different monetize a blogger website vs affiliate marketing program

What different this two program?

This two program will give you make money online but in other method ..

With affiliate marketing program if someone you refer click in your affiliate link website and make purchase so you will be next receive sale and commission..

But with ad revenue monetize a blogger publisher network you joining you just need put code banner html in website or blog and visitor will click in banner ads when they want it or just visit your all posting and pages your website or blog and you earn profit ..imagine just 1000 impressions in your website or blog you will earn $1 - $6, that great right? But depending from your show ads raw...

I active in affiliate marketing program and know how to promote and make landing page for receive subscribers then make plan for earn purchase from visitor traffic for buy that product we promote, but now i want ready for try make money online with monetize a blogger with click ad revenue publisher

Buy real visitor traffic for website or blog

The easiest way to get website traffic is to buy website traffic from a third party company. But be careful as there may be some who scam and just send traffic bots for the website. So this will harm your spent money invested and may result in your website being banned or if you join a publisher program such as adsense will be banned for click fault detection from the bot. So before you want to buy website traffic please make sure that the company is legitimate and has a reputable and credible name.

One trusted good website i recommend is trafficforme because have many partner with this company like karatbars, bitcoin wealth club, bitclub, affilorama etc and also have great testimonial from top marketer like Ewen Chia and Steve Olsher.